Chriselle Bayross
Wine tasting at Quinta da Bomfim

Hi, I am Chrissy,

I have always been writing. As a child, I had a vivid imagination and filled journal after journal.

I also wrote short fiction. This is now my corner on the internet. I share my interests with the audience here.


As an explorer who loves to try new dishes when I travel, my travel stories ( with a bit of lifestyle) will be featured here. I’ll try to make the content ‘news you can use’ from my experience.


I’m a new mom, so brace yourself for some informative ‘mommy content’. It will be hands-on content as my baby girl grows. I would like to focus on books and educational toys and other practical insights. But sometimes I may also just reflect on this journey I have started on


And lastly, as a PR professional with nearly 2 decades of experience, stay tuned for the PR knowledge I share.

I’ll make sure it’s both for individual brands and businesses. I hope you learn something new from my blog.

I urge you to like, comment, and share if you do!


I am a communications consultant with over 15 years of experience and would love to work with you. Connect with me if any opportunities exist. I would also be happy to have a quick chat about any communication problem that you may have a question about / require a different perspective on.

Also for Mom content, I am happy to discuss collabs that align with my interests of being educational to my audience

In case of collabs or work, inquiries do hit me up on my email:


My Linkedin Article

What does it mean to be an Intentional Friend?

With Women’s Day just completed, I wanted to talk more about female friendships. It’s a topic that’s been on my mind since I saw that viral video of actress Jane Fonda talking about the topic. In it Fonda says, “What you have to do is, you have to be intentional,” when the interview turned to friendship.

Better Together: Finding success through collaboration

Successful partnerships take a lot of blood, sweat and tears. As a profession, public relations involves working in teams and partnering with your client to ensure a successful result. I find myself navigating different partnerships in my role as a consultant.

Here’s Why you should be adding more moms to your teams

The year 2022 was a challenge for many, including me. But, it’s also the year I became a mom! While my life revolved around the daily pooping, eating, and sleeping habits of this little one, people around me started treating me as If I did not have a life before her.

Shift the narrative, one achievement at a time

The marketing blitzkrieg around Women’s Day brought many issues to the front. It took me longer to put down these words with all the information that I was being bombarded with. Lately, I have been mulling the concept of being ‘late to the party’: doing things on your own schedule and not what society and culture dictates.

New to the PR profession? Ace these skills

I just finished a masterclass on Public Relations (PR). One of the questions I got asked was ‘what are some tips for a newbie PR professional?’ It being the beginning of the year, I thought I would share some advice for all emerging PR professionals who could benefit from my experience.

Want your business to make headlines? Tell a story.

Everything you do does not make a story. It’s a hard lesson entrepreneurs need to learn. Over the course of my career, I have counselled many business heads/ owners about this very truth. Despite this caveat, it is possible for you to find various themes and interesting talking points about your business.

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